Maintenance Scheme

We now offer a maintenance package, so you can keep that showroom standard finish.

Every 4 to 6 weeks

So firstly the car needs our deep clean then we happily invite you to join our maintenance scheme.

If you then continue your bookings with DB CARCARE we guarantee you’ll enjoy a deep clean standard

Basically, gaining the same results, the deep clean got for you. Your pride and joy will always stay protected from the elements and free from any added charges on a trade-in/lease return. Of course, maintaining the value of your vehicle.

We love that our Maintenance list of cars is forever growing

Small vehicle : Fiat 5oo, Audi A1 ect - £40

Medium Vehicle : Audi A5, Merc A class ect - £50

Large vehicle : Range rover, 4x4 ect - £60